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3 Popular Indonesian Herbs Used in Cooking & Salves

A Food Fun Travel Guest Post

Indonesian food has always been important for people due to its taste and iconic dishes. Interestingly Indonesian food has always been rich in herbs and spices. Whenever people travel to Indonesia for the first time, the first thing they have in their minds is to taste the traditional food of that place. Herbs are crucial because they add aroma to the food and spices embed the food with a slice of life which is too much to handle for some and great for many.

The common myth which hounds Indonesian food is that it is difficult to cook, which is not true. If you know the kinds of herbs which should be used along with the correct quantity of spices, Indonesian food cooking is nothing but cakewalk.

What are some famous Indonesian dishes?

The intriguing thing to note is that Indonesian dishes have a touch of the traditional Indian food, which is rich in spices and variety. So if you’re visiting Indonesia for the first time, you will be introduced to a lot of Indian cuisines as well.

Some of the famous Indonesian dishes are; fried rice, nasirawon, sop buntu, and beef rendang. Though these dishes have become cliché in the hometown, yet they are very interesting to eat. There are many herbs used in Indonesian cuisine. Some of them are:

1. Tamarind

Also known as Asam, it is a popular herb for SayurAsam. This herb is very common for clearing the fishy odor which arises after cooking seafood. All Indonesian cuisines are a big fan of this herb and have it in their kitchen as a mandatory item. The correct method to use this herb is to soak it in warm water and strain water from the residue. Most Indonesian cuisines which specialize in seafood need to have this herb in their kitchen as must otherwise customers will run away by getting pissed off from the fishy odor.

2. Aromatic ginger

This herb is the mother of all herbs and a cornerstone of every traditional Indonesian household. The commonly used type is kencur, which is very small in size and has a darker skin as compared to traditionally used ginger. Ginger is commonly used in cooking lentils and spicy food curries. It is also used to cook Karedok, sambal pecel, rempeyek, and sayurlodeh. Aromatic ginger is fresh in its aroma and completes the food by adding its magic.

3. Candlenuts

If you have seen the waxy white kernel before, you must know it cannot be used as a single herb. It is so rich in its taste, that if used singularly, it will encapsulate the entire dish in its taste. Therefore it is mixed with other spices such as garlic, chilies, shrimp paste, and etc. Candlenuts are widely used to thicken the pastes in many Indonesian dishes. This herb is also known as one of the distinctive herbs in the world because of its many medical benefits for the human body.

Interestingly many bars in Indonesia have started providing kratom induced tea to their customers along with the food. Such restaurants buy kratom power from kratom crazy and other online platforms. Though kratom is banned by the state, yet many bars sell it to their customers.

Indian cuisine is rich in food and drinks. Tourists are in love with Indonesian cuisines because they provide a slice of life.