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7 Helpful Tips to Store Different Types of Food Safely

A Food Fun Travel Collaborative Post

Throwing away delicious but spoiled cooked leftovers feels heartbreaking. You’re not only throwing food but also throwing money too. To avoid such circumstances, you must keep your food properly to maintain its freshness and expand shelf life.

We go by three food-storing golden rules that work wonders for us! So, if you’re also thinking, “How to make food last longer?” we think you should also remember these.

  1. Store your food in a cool and dry place away from sunlight, preferably inside the refrigerator or freezer.
  2. Your food will last longer if you cover them correctly.
  3. Always heat up your stored food before having them.

This simple guideline applies to most food items and will help keep your food fresh and prevent spoilage. With that said, let’s explore some specific tips for various types of foods.

  1. Delicious Desserts

Our family loves cheesecake, and we often make it because we can’t deny our love for a perfectly baked slice of blueberry cheesecake! But a question always came to our mind, How long is cheesecake good for if we just store it in the fridge?”

Just like us, you may have questions about your favorite dessert and its storage options to make the food last longer. So, we experimented and found out you can freeze your delicious desserts in airtight containers and wrap them with plastic wrap to enjoy them for a month or two.

Moreover, you can cut slices and wrap them neatly with plastic if you’ll only serve a small group later. It works amazingly with our cheesecake slices!

  1. Dairy Products

You need to carefully store your dairy products, like milk, yogurt, cheese, etc., to preserve their nutrients and freshness. We always keep our dairy items at temperatures below 40℉ (4℃) or 0℉.

However, when you’re freezing cheese, wrap them tightly to avoid freezer burn. It’s also essential to know that hard cheeses generally freeze better than soft ones.

Moreover, don’t keep your dairy products out at room temperature for long, as they spoil easily when exposed to room-temperature air.

  1. Fresh Fruits & Vegetables

We love a healthy snack, but keeping those veggies and fruits fresh is tricky.

So, here’s a tip for you: don’t give them a wash before storage! Yup, you heard it right. Moisture can speed up spoilage, so hold off on washing until you’re ready to munch.

However, if you want to wash them, ensure they are properly dried before storing them in the fridge.

Moreover, keep apples away from bananas! If you didn’t know, some fruits release a gas called ethylene that can cause premature ripening and spoilage of nearby produce. Make sure to separate them to keep everything fresh and tasty!

  1. Breads & Bakery Goods

Having fresh and hot bread or bakery goods is truly a delight! This obsession of ours usually makes us buy more than we need. So, we have come up with some great tips.

Always wrap your bread with plastic wrap and store it in airtight containers or bread boxes. Then you can keep it in a cool and dark place to get foods that last longer.

Moreover, one mistake we first made while storing bread was keeping it in the refrigerator. It actually dried out all the moisture and taste.

But did you know freezing your bread is an excellent option? Just make sure to slice the bread before freezing for easy thawing, and enjoy it within a couple of days.

  1. Meats & Poultry

Meat and poultry can get easily spoiled and also spoil other food items. You must store them correctly to maintain their excellent quality and prevent bacterial growth.

Storing raw meat in its original packaging actually keeps them fresh, but you can also transfer them to airtight containers or resealable bags. Also, store meats on the refrigerator’s bottom shelf to prevent juices from dripping onto other foods. You definitely don’t want the taste of meat in everything!

Moreover, the best way to store your meats is to freeze them at 4℃(39℉) in freezer bags and airtight freezer containers. Don’t forget to label and date the packages for easy identification!

  1. Canned Foods

Although canned foods have long shelf lives, they also need proper care so that there’s no bacterial buildup.

Always store your unopened canned goods in a dark, cool, and dry place; it can be your kitchen cabinet that’s away from the sunlight. You should also always finish the oldest cans with the upcoming expiry date first.

However, if you want to store your opened canned foods, keep the leftovers in a clean, airtight box, and refrigerate it.

  1. Frozen Goods

Frozen foods are the easiest to store because they already have extended shelf lives. So keep them safe for consumption by keeping your freezer clean and dry, and seal them tightly to avoid freezer burns.


Q.1) Can You Freeze Food in Glass Pyrex?

Yes, it’s completely safe to freeze food in glass Pyrex as long as they are designed for freezing and can withstand extreme temperature changes.

Q.2) Why Do You Need to Store Your Food Safely?

Storing food safely is essential to prevent spoilage, maintain freshness, and ensure food safety.

Q.3) How Can You Make Your Food Last Longer?

You can make your food last longer by storing it in a cool, dry place, using airtight containers, and following proper storage guidelines for each type of food.


Proper food storage is essential for preserving freshness, minimizing waste, and saving money.

By following these practical tips, you can extend the shelf life of various food items, reduce food spoilage, and ensure your meals are safe to eat.

Remember the golden rules of food storage! So, go ahead and apply these tips to make your food last longer and enjoy delicious meals. Happy storing!