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Tips for Planning a Solo Vacation

A Food Fun Travel Guest Post

Is there a place you’ve always wanted to travel to but you can’t find anyone to go with you? You could wait and hope that someone turns up, but what if you have the time to do it now? In the future, there are plenty of things that could come along and make it impossible. At the same time, if you’ve never done any traveling or much of anything else on your own, going solo could seem like its own insurmountable hurdle. It’s not, but you do need to plan a solo trip a little bit differently. Below are some of the worries that might occur to you and how to handle them.

How Will I Afford It?

One of the unfortunate facts about solo travel is that it can be more expensive than traveling with someone else. This is especially true when it comes to one of your biggest expenses, accommodation since a room for one is rarely half the price of a room for two. In some cases, there is no price difference at all based on the number of people. Of course, going on your own also means that you won’t waste any money doing something you’d rather not just because your traveling companion is into it. All the same, if you’re looking at your budget and coming up short, you may want to look into taking a personal loan from a private lender. This is much smarter than pulling out your credit card because you can get low APR personal loans that won’t cost you as much in interest.

How Will I Meet People?

The answer to this varies a lot based on where you are going and your personal preferences. However, just as an idea, you can go on a tour, book a resort that specializes in solo and single travelers, contact people online ahead of time, join a volunteer group, take a cooking class at your new location or just go out to places where people are friendly and chatty. If you’re going to Europe, a great way to save on accommodation and meet new people can be staying at youth hostels. You can also find groups online that meet up based on their interests. Be outgoing, and you will quickly find that traveling solo doesn’t have to mean being alone.

What Will I Do?

Maybe you’re worried that you’ll be bored traveling alone, but there’s no reason for this. Going to the beach by yourself might sound like a sad recipe for sitting alone looking at the water for a week, but if you sign up for scuba diving courses or do a lot of research ahead of time on the best antique shops in the area, you may quickly find your days as full as you need them to be. Think of this as a great opportunity to spend all of your time exactly the way that you want to without compromising, and you might be surprised at how this becomes one of the activity-filled and memorable vacations you’ve ever taken.